ODD FOD MOD MtBE...Which State Reimbursement Fund is right for you?

Posted Nov 21, 2016 by: Russ BartonODD  FOD  MOD  MtBE...Which State Reimbursement Fund is right for you?

Do you own a gas station, bulk petroleum facility, other petroleum storage facility, or residential home?  If so, there may be a state reimbursement fund for you! The state of New Hampshire is unique in that it offers a variety of programs to assist in the assessment and remediation of spills or leaks associated with petroleum. The intent is to provide people with cost recovery options, if eligible, to soften the financial burden associated with cleanup efforts. Eligibility for funding is also transferable thus allowing for more timely real estate transactions and avoiding complicated environmental contracts and escrows. The process can be technical, time intensive, and daunting for most business owners who are busy handling the day to day operations of their business.

As your environmental consultant we stay on top of the eligibility and compliance requirements for you in all states. The components for each state are different and unique thus requiring a detailed understanding of state protocols, parameters, and procedures. We take care of all of the technical details and find money you may not even know you qualify for or have access to. Working with Wilcox & Barton, Inc. to gain an understanding of various funds allows you to make better choices for your business.